THE OLD LEGENDS of Club Fishing in a 1929 Willys Whippit

THE OLD LEGENDS of Club Fishing in a 1929 Willys Whippit

THE NEW LEGENDS of Club Fishing in a 2012 Mazda BT 50
Welcome to the SQAFCA Inc Website
As Publicity Officer of SQAFCA inc. I would invite all anglers to access the following pages & benefit from the information contained in them.
Who we are
SQAFCA inc. is a non profit organisation with democratically elected voluntary Offices & Management committee. It's direction & policy is determined by the Members & our funding is through member subscriptions, sponsorships & generous donations. Recent sponsorships have allowed SQAFCA to expand its trophy values & ensure individuals are competing with anglers of a similar expertise.
For the competition minded there are club listings & a calendar of events being held by SQAFCA along with the results of all the past competitions.
All our clubs are affiliated with the Queensland Amateur Fishing Clubs Association Inc. & directly with SUNFISH inc. Queensland. Our members also fish in Australian titles & have been very successful in the past.
SQAFCA currently has 23 affiliated clubs comprising around 800 anglers & all types of fishing are catered for including estuary, surf , offshore & freshwater . Up to 130 of these individual anglers regularly fish in one the local SQAFCA competitions which are usually followed by a social BBQ during the weigh in.
Community activities
To become community focused as well as competitive we have recently upgraded the Web site to allow non affiliated clubs to display their information & have included articles on how to fish our local waters. Our trade listings are also available to everyone especially members & general information on trades, boat hire & charters is available.
As well as running competitions our members conduct day long fishing clinics for up to 30 participants mainly juniors from the general public, schools & the handicapped .
Supporting research
The information contained in our records is often used in Fisheries research & many of our members are on fisheries committees or assist the researchers with their knowledge of recreational fishing.
A conservation ethic is practiced in our clubs through a responsible fishing "Code of Practice" & long before any catch restrictions by Government our competitions had larger size limits & limits on the number of some species eligible for weigh in.
Join a club
There is a club to suit your fishing needs - most cater for men, ladies, veterans & juniors & visitors are welcome on most trips. Locations fished & the types of fishing vary so check the club listings for one in your area that suits your needs.
In summary SQAFCA has been a leader in progressing fishing activity in Queensland for the past 55 years & will continue to be an integral part of the recreational fishing scene.
Please take the time to peruse this website & hopefully it will convince you to join SQAFCA either as an individual through an existing club or ask how your club can benefit from joining SQAFCA.
Meade Murphy, Publicity Officer , SQAFCA inc.